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Change of Plans

So I woke up this morning to find Wyatt our older gelding in with Nellie. He decided she needed company and broke through her enclosure to be with her. I guess he was right. So in the pouring rain this morning before leaving for school (with instructions for my husband to keep and eye on things) I went out and removed part of the fencing that was keeping her and now Wyatt in. With worried anticipation of how things would go, I watched as she casually walked out of her area through our other horses as if she had always been there. She was accepted and is now just part of the herd. It made my heart so happy to watch this. She now has 4 new friends. She and Wyatt were pretty inseparable today. It was a very rainy day and when I got home from school all 5 horses were huddled up in the barn. She has found her place in the herd and in our hearts.

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